Thursday, July 16, 2009

Governors MIght Be Stupid, Cont.

Yesterday I wondered if governors are really the people I want in charge of stimulus money:
And I'd throw Democrats Jim McGreevey and Eliot Spitzer in with that group. Does this sound like a group of people you want to manage the economic recovery of your state? REEAlly? Politicians that lunge head-first for the first bright light that comes their way, state be damned, running out on the small percentage of the state population that was even aware there was a gubernatorial election in the first place? Really? Seems like nonsense to me. But then again I guess I'm supposed to think the federal governemnt sucks, and local/state government is AWESOME!!! Got it.

McGreevey/Spitzer/Palin/Stanford/Jindal - but I forgot one of my all-time buddies, Rick Perry, who WAY belongs on this list thanks to shit like THIS.

And gee, guess who is now coming to the federal government for money after all? Thought you were gonna be your own country, fuckface????!!

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