Thursday, July 16, 2009

More Bullshit

I railed about the NY Daily News "hipster homeless" article yesterday HERE. And something's been gnawing at me since, and I just now went back to look at it and saw what had been sticking in my craw:
The squatters, from middle-class families, hop freight trains to the city, where they can earn up to $150 a day panhandling in Manhattan.

Ummm..."freight trains"? REally? What..."fright trains" are they "hopping"? Oh, perhaps they mean the L train? As in the incredibly accessible subway about 5 steps from where they "panhandle"? Which they can surely afford if they're pulling in $150/day? Wtf - Dean Moriarty much, anyone?

This feels to me like THE ARTICLE ITSELF was written by one of these idiots; painting themselves as Kerouacian beatnik, "scrappy" heroes wearily fighting off pussy. Gimme a fucking break.

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