Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Happy Almost Birthday!!

Speaking of black guys who wanna be white guys, I see that tomorrow is OJ Simpson's birthday. The Juice is gonna be 62!! Wow! Feels like just yesterday he was slicing through dudes in the snow in Buffalo and people in the airport on the way to a Hertz car. I lost track of him after Naked Gun - seriously, how AWESOME was he in Naked Gun? I have no idea what he's done since - was he even in any of the sequels? What's he been up to? Ah, the fucking Juice...I can picture him right now - feet propped up on desk, looking out over his acres and acres of property having just closed a deal to do commercials with that lizard for Geico insurance ("' 'allo guvnah, who're you?" "I'm the Juice!!") Leans back, takes a sip of Johnny Walker Blue and thinks to himself "you've made're rich, everybody fucking loves you, you're the Juice, man...time to start dating white women." (sip)

Happy Birthday Juice!!!

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