Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Healthcare. Camon, America

It looks like the Republicans have unveiled a chart showing the bureaucratic nightmare Obama is asking you to navigate through just for a band-aid while throwing away your grandkid's money, all in the name of becoming France. Look at it, it's a fucking nightmare.

Now, I have spent the last year going around the country and interviewing thousands of Americans...good, clean, hardworking Americans. Farmers, salt-of-the-Earth real Americans. I've found out through study of my data that if L'Obama would just let everybody keep their healthcare and let the magic of free-market competition work things out, we wouldn't hafta look at such a nightmare of a chart. So I've created a chart of my own, one that takes into account thousands of hours of interviews and application of data. And this below is what the CURRENT healthcare system looks like as a chart. Hmm. NOT a nightmare, wouldn't you say?

Do the right thing, America. Semper Fi. I don't wanna be no pinko commie.

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