Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hmm. What a Shocker.

Xmastime back in March:
Because I live on the planet and have a brain, I'm aware of the political cover these douchebags are betting on when they vote against the stimulus package et al, knowing it will pass and they'll still be able to happily take whatever money comes to their home state (including, of course, all the "pork" these jagoffs scream about as if it's Satan coming to get your children.)

But if you're a fan of the right, you can't say you'll be particularly proud of said dude a year from now, when he's at some ceremony getting patted on the back for creating 50,000 jobs in his state. As in instead of saying "thank you, aren't I wonderful?" he should truthfully be saying "50,000 jobs? Boy, I really fought against that tooth and nail."

and of course in a big surprise to nobody, Jindal the Frog has beaten my estimate by a few months. Hey, good for him!
Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) reemerged on the national stage yesterday, penning an op-ed in the Politico to slam efforts to reform health care and declaring the Economic Recovery Act a failure. Jindal declared the Recovery Act “a nearly trillion-dollar stimulus that has not stimulated.” However, less than 24 hours before Jindal published his op-ed, Jindal traveled to Anacoco, Louisiana to present a jumbo-sized check to residents of Vernon Parish. The funds included hundreds of thousands of dollars directly from the Recovery Act — at least $157,848 in Community Block Grant money authorized by the Recovery Act and $138,611 for Byrne/JAG job training programs created by the Recovery Act. Rather than credit the federal government or the Recovery Act he opposed, Jindal printed his own name on the corner of the massive check.

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