Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Lock Your Doors

If I ever had to be a serial burglar, I think I'd like to become famous as the "Cheetos Burglar." Every time I robbed someone's house, they'd know it was me cause of all the Cheetos dust left behind all over their shit. My signature, so to speak. Dramatic scene when they finally nab me and drag me down to the station - the sheriff desk clerk grabs my hand to stick my fingers into the ink to fingerprint, but I pull away with an indignant "Back off!!!"...and then slowly lower my hand to the paper, and press my thumb down, leaving my Cheetos dust thumbprint. Awesome.


Nerdhappy said...

Dude, seriously?!? Crunchy over Puff? You continue to befuddle me Xmas...

Gina said...

Those actually look more like hot fries than Cheetos. If you inspect them closely they lack the signature bumps and asymmetrical markings of Cheetos. Just saying.

Gina said...

Yep...Chesters Hot Fries? Maybe you're right.

Gina said...

Am i obsessing? sorry. they say when you handle the real thing enough you could tell difference in the dark even. Characteristically, these are not Cheetos. The Evil Cheeto-man could tell the difference, I guess.