Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sex and Dishes

A year ago I jokingly dismissed the validity of the whole "helping out with the housework leads to sex" thing in a marriage. This of course while not being married, not having a house to bother with, and last having sex in the 1930s. The Girl Who appears to differ with me. Interesting. Also, I thought I had invented the term "man meat." This is very disappointing for me. Anyways, I repeat my advertisement:
HOUSEWORK FOR SEX - Outrageously overweight bed-wetting alcoholic with no job and the back hair of your uncle's rec room carpet looking for a housework for sex trade. Every hour of housework = an hour of sex. As I'm unemployed I'm free all the time; in fact if I could crash at your place for a while that would be a w e s o m e. You: be smoking hot, creative in bed with a lot of Victoria's Secret stuff and not a lot of shame. Might wanna invest in a power flusher, I've been in a bit of a "cheese phase."

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