Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Wanna Bang Michelle Malkin

The Michelle Malkin Today Show video has made it rounds today (you can find it anywhere.) Number one, the next time the right starts their usual "left-wing media" nonsense (oops, there they go already!) I would remind them that the most mainstream of all media, the fucking Today Show, for some reason gave the right-wing nutjob four minutes to promote her "book." And yes, I said nutjob - I challenge anyone on the right to defend her as being anytihng more than an opportunity-grabbing shithead who will say anything that is shocking enough to sell books.

WHICH DOESN'T EVEN MAKE HER WRONG - to me, the real criminals are the idiots that book her on their shows... again, as I've repeatedly asked re: Kristol/Rove/Gingrich and on and on, why was she even invited on the show?

But my main point is where are these "hardball, Chicago poltics tactics" from Obama she is speaking of? If she's telling the truth, she'd say that Obama is doing the OPPOSITE - instead of cramming through healthcare with Rahmbo cracking skulls ( ala Bush/Cheney), he's tried to do some pussified nuanced bipartisan over-dancing that has been a failure thus far - and even if it "succeeds," it'll stil be too watered down to matter.

Obama needs to ACTUALLY EXECUTE these 'hardball" tactics. For fuck's sake, the window of opportunity is closing and if you can't get what you want with 60 Democratic Senators, then for fuck's sake, go fucking give it up. Put on some slippers and go bowling already.

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