Wednesday, July 29, 2009


A la Wiki:
As the popularity of the Wildcat spread during the 2008-09 NFL season, several teams began instituting it as a part of their playbook, including the Kansas City Chiefs, Chicago Bears, Carolina Panthers, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, New England Patriots, San Francisco 49ers, Cleveland Browns, Philadelphia Eagles, St. Louis Rams, New York Jets, Arizona Cardinals, and the Dallas Cowboys.

I've found it curious that the NFL waited until Michael Vick was out of the league to decide "hey, maybe we should just snap the ball the most athletic guy on the team and let him decide what to do with it, therein maximizing the damage he can do on each play." Wtf? This is like waiting til Tera Patrick goes mainstream for the porn biz to decide they should film big-titted Asians getting double-penetrated. Camon.

A la Xmaswiki:
I don't want him at qb. Not because I don't think he could be a good quarterback, but that I think he's wasted there. Think about it - as a qb, by definition his job is to get the ball to SOMEBODY ELSE. He either turns back and hands it someone with less talent, or drops back and throws it to somebody with less talent. Yeah every once in a while he'll break outta the pocket, but that's rare by design. Wouldn't you be scared shitless if on every play you knew that the ball might END UP in Vick's hands instead of BEGIN in Vick's hands?

Also, him being qb means nobody has to really cover him. Put him as some combination rb/wr, and I promise you there will be 2 people dogging him the whole time. Now you've gone to your best player using up at least TWO players on defense instead of ZERO. Defenses would be in a sheer panic looking for him on every play. To me this is a fucking no-brainer. Vick is too good to be a qb; let Tony fucking Homo hand the ball off to people.

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