Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Sunshine

I was cruising to this stupid site because my eyes lit up that Joe the Plumber had done an interview for...whoever these idiots are. I couldn't find the interview within the 4 seconds I had alloted myself for the project, but then my wandering eyes landed on this: "What Would Jonathan Edwards think of Harry Potter?" Wow, I thought, some sort of existential question re: today's most popular pop culture phenomena judged by the dude that wrote Sinners in the Hand of An Angry God. Hell, I didn't even know what side I was gonna be on!!!! This would be interesting!!

But of course, in reading the article, I see the "author," this guy Josh Moody (PhD, Cambridge University) is senior pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in New Haven, CT was so fucking uncurious that while presenting his "argument," he...didn't bother actually quoting Jonathan Edwards. Nothing. One of the more famous pieces in American Literature, a piece he blares as "I'm using this!!" and he doesn't bother quoting Edwards; instead, he tries to make us think he know what Edwards would've been thinking at any given point. Which, as a literary piece, is absurd. Why not just say you were fishing buddies? Fucking asinine.

THEN AGAIN...maybe he meant THIS Jonathan Edwards?


Gina said...

take in the corn and spit out the cob sounds good to me, although from a spiritual standpoint, one must be cautious when dealing with the various light sources. Afterall isn't Lucifer the angel of light?

Anonymous said...

"He got cards he ain't playin!"