Monday, July 13, 2009


I guess the circus known as “PRETEND TO BE OUTRAGED AT OBAMA’S SUPREME COURT SELECTION!!!” has kicked off this morning, and in a thinly-veiled way to try to strike terror into viewers by reminding them that Obama wants to kill all white people it seems the Republicans are repeatedly imploring that judges need to be “impartial"; I guess Sotomayor walked into the room with her “WE’RE DOING THINGS MY WAY FROM NOW ON” t-shirt. Hmm.

Also it all reminds me of four years ago; Op & I patted ourselves on the back for being so magnanimous re: Bush's selection of Roberts - we knew he'd pick a conservative, but we let ourselves be wowed with how impressive Roberts seemed. Now of course we find out he has been nothing more than a hack for wealthy corporations. So.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are going to realize they're all hacks for wealthy corporations?