Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., "If we're to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

First of all, how pissed must Michael Steele be that DeMint stole what could've been the 7th or 8th dumbest thing Steele could've said on a, say, Wednesday afternoon? But most of all, why would this be bad for Obama if healthcare was his Waterloo? Waterloo not only was a great fucking song (did ABBA write a bad song?), but it hit #6 in the USA, as well as #1 on dozens of charts around the world. The song sold millions of copies, it was incredibly successful and is still played countless times on the radio every day - how would this "break" Obama? It's not like Demint said "...it will be his third Strokes album", right? Sounds to me like Demint WANTS Obama to succeed. Maybe the White House can take this into account as they move forward with healthcare?


Nerdhappy said...

I've had it with these fekkin jerks.

PS+ Waterloo Sunset, by The Kinks is in my Top 100 of all time.

Xmastime said...

heartbreaking slice! :)