Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why I Don't Weigh 180 Lbs Anymore


I can't really decide if fresh fruits & vegetables SHOULD go up since they're really good for you and improve your quality of life, or if beer/butter/soda should go up since they're what people actually WANT. On the chart, both instances seem to fly in the face of what I would think would be natural supply and demand convention. Throw in the fact that the BEST thing for you (water) is incredibly accessible and free, and you have a conundrum. Point is, I wish my mattress was made out of Arby's roast beef. Sigh.


Gina said...

that graph looks like a hungry moshark

Kiko Jones said...

This is the point missed by the Morgan Spurlocks of the world: eating healthy is almost financially prohibitive for a family. A single person can probably wing it but when you have to feed a family of four, all of a sudden olive oil, organic eggs, etc etc etc are not a cost-effective alternative.