Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And I Don't Mean Toto, Faggots

Like my high school girlfriend's nipples I keep things about myself close to the chest, so most of you have no idea that I often meet young ladies in the park in Manhattan (or, as I call it, "The City.") If you think that makes me some sort of hero, fine, I'm a fucking hero, whatevs (rolling beautiful, soulful brown eyes.) Anyways I was meeting someone last night and she called to say she was on her way and asked if it was hot outside, to which I was like "yeah, but I'm always freaking hot."

Sitting there waiting (I usually give a girl about 16 seconds to get to where I'm at, after that I'm like "I'm out!" and sniff 'round for some strange) it occurred to me that you know what else is always freaking hot? Africa. Ooooooooh I cooed in my own ear....Africa! My new nickname! Cool, right? You may start using it at anytime. "Hey, Africa!!" "Wassup, Africa!"

I'm excited!

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