Wednesday, August 19, 2009


A while back Handsome Xmastime (Handsometime?) wrote:
Obviously, I'm think of someone like Michelle Bachmann. I won't be able to get through typing this post without news popping up online of her saying something completely retarded. Are Minnesotans come election time gonna decide you know what, this is embarrassing, she's a fucking idiot we hafta get somebody else? Or is it gonna be like the days of when nobody would even hear what she's blathering and vote via the ol' "fuck it, who cares" policy? If a complete buffoon is an idiot in a forest, does anybody know it? Hmm.

It just occurred to me: you people collect a bunch of money (a SHIT-TON of money), move me to Minnesota...AND I WILL RUN AGAINST MICHELLE BACHMANN IN THE 2010 ELECTIONS!!!

I'm guessing (one of you staffers might wanna look it up, I'm a big-picture candidate with perfect lips) I would hafta set up residence and "live" there for one year, so we'd better get cracking. Send as much money as you can (and a little more...remember, this is for your freedom) to:

c/o Greg Wilson
100 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Let me know if you'd like to volunteer as a member of my day-to-day staff by sending along your 8x10 glossy - I ask for one in a dress, the other in a bathing suit (that's what they do in the Miss America contest, right? Do you hate America? No? Good! then send in the photos.) I will stratagize with my soon-to-be-announced Senior Staff on a platform, though I think "Is She Fucking Kidding Me?" should be good enough to cruise through next Fall.

THIS IS EXCITING!!! I can't believe I'm running for Congress! With you money/snapshots!!! But we hafta get rid of this crazy-ass bitch, and I'm willing to fall on the batshit grenade.


XMAS '12

1 comment:

Gina said...

is that your real address?