Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Have I Been Half-Assing It?

Is THIS a fucking joke?
Court forces Google to tell model Liskula Cohen identity of blogger that called her 'skank'

A Vogue covergirl has confronted - and forgiven - the anonymous blogger who trashed her as a "skank" and a "ho" on a special Web site. Liskula Cohen, who sued Google to find out who was behind the catty "Skanks in NYC" Web site, told "Good Morning America" Wednesday she called her online tormentor as soon as she got the mystery blogger's personal information.
What the fuck???? How many hot celebs have I shit on in this blog, calling them hosebags and talking about how I'd spray them with my insides while they ate out of a fucking doggy dish???!!?!? And yet NOTHING in terms of any of them confronting me!!!! Which I'm sure would go like this:

Celeb: You are nothing but vile trash. You don't know me, and you never will.
Xmastime: what is that, perfume? God you smell good.

I'm pretty sure you know what would come next.

Gisele!!!! You're a slut with a furry pussy that eats trash!!!!! Pissed? I'll send a car for you, we should talk this out!!!!

Unbelievable. Some people have all the fucking luck.

STAGGERINGLY HORRIBLY IRONIC UPDATE: to add insult to injury, I now see the description the blogger "dissed" the model with:
the now-shuttered Web site that branded her as an over-the-hill "skank" with Mr. Ed-like looks who is "psychotic, lying, whoring."

ARRRRRGGGHHHH!!! (head hitting desk repeatedly, giving up in total frustration)

1 comment:

Gina said...

Liskula is coola. I like it!

Mike Liskula den you.

Liskula went to din't HAD no traila.

sorry. smes. now what was it were you yammerin on about?