Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And You Ladies Call ME The Big Bang...

A year ago HERE I wrote:
As emotional as I am, as much of a pussy as I am, I do actually revel in science. In my own mind, I started to realize about ten years ago that it wouldn't be long before we had telescopes that could pinpoint the start of the universe - as in we could literally see the Big Bang. And that's when I doubly realized you know what, we'll have [sic] reached back and photographed the face of god and...it's not God. It's us.

And now, incredibly, it's looks like we're getting closer to doing just that.
"[We'll be] looking at the first generation of stars forming in the universe, which is kind of a cool idea: The time when the lights went on in the universe. There was no light before that time," said Daniel Fabricant, associate director of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.


Also, dig THIS POST ON THE WMAP from the other day if you missed it. Impressive.

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