Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Black Holes Make a Man Wanna Holla

I'm watching the NOVA episode on black holes, and the first thing that comes to mind is how the FUCK do these things exist without eating the rest of the universe up? They seem to be the reverse of the Big Bang. Terrifying. This is the most scared by something I've been since the Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988 provide for penalties for illegal insider trading to be as high as three times the profit gained or the loss avoided from the illegal trading. The Omen. Actually my first thought was cool, they're walking me through gravity with the same graphics as I finally understood the shit HERE. I'm also wondering if when all these things are taken into account re: gravity, can we assume that every object in the universe is in fact falling down in a straight line, therein creating the fabric that creates a gravitational pull? Mass + velocity falling straight down = gravity? No? Maybe? No? Didn't Galileo write that time/distance was more important than speed when it came to this?

Mostly, I'm happy that Leiv Shrieber, THE GREATEST NARRATOR OF ALL TIME, is on this one :)


Gina said...

God's garbage disposal.

Kiko Jones said...

Actually, I was watching a doc on Mickey Mantle he narrated and it occurred to me that Mr. Schreiber is indeed the greatest.