Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Roommates II

(Elaine and Puddy on the plane.)
Elaine: I can't believe we broke up like that.
(Elaine starts reading, Puddy stares off into space.)
Elaine: Do you want something to read?
Puddy: Nah.
Elaine: Well, are you going to take a nap or --
Puddy: Nah.
Elaine: You're just going to sit there staring at the back of a seat?
Puddy: Yeah.
(Elaine tries to read but cannot concentrate.)
Elaine: That's it! I cannot take this! I hope a giant mountain rises out of the ocean and we just ram right into it and end this whole thing!
Vegetable Lasagna: Oh god.
For years we had a single overhead light bulb in the bathroom, placed perfectly in the center, placed perfectly for reading on the shitter. Then somehow the fixture broke, and in it's place we got some sort of track-lighting 3-lightbulb thing. No big whoop, one of the lights was always positioned in such an angle as to optimize light for reading on the shitter. The transition for my shiterature was seamless.

All of a sudden, about a week ago, I noticed that every time I went in, the fixture had been turned in the opposite direction, so as to basically face the ceiling. So I'd hafta manually twist it back into place so I can read. The first time, I just assumed it was a mistake. Now it's been a week, and this happens EVERY FUCKING TIME. After a while you'd think whoever's doing it would think oh, someone (there's 3 of us) WANTS this particular light going in that direction, okay. But no - he twists it so that it is in effect useless. But my big question is, what does this person do on the shitter? There are three things I do on the shitter, and reading is one of them. How is it even possible you don't pick up a book while sitting there? Has he chosen to simply stare straight ahead, and also while doing so he wants as little light as possible? What the fuck? Do people do this?

1 comment:

Gina said...

my mom is huge on post-it notes. the front door got 3 with one word on each. NO BIG BANG. The bathroom has one that reads NO BIG BOOM.

try posting a reminder to put the bulb back to facing the reader.