Tuesday, August 25, 2009

BORN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I fucking dreaming? Is this a joke???!?

I just spent a post below mocking the power of prayer. And a minute later I find this, which is my sunbeam-coming-down-on-me-singing-Hallelujah! moment re: not only does PRAYER work, but MY prayers work!!!!!! Oh my god (on my knees)

UPDATE: while I appreciate the arrogance of the name of the sandwich ("oh yeah? your kids are fat? fuck you, we're doubling down, gonna make 'em explode into a Gallagher-inspired spray of fat by this afternoon!"), I would hesitate to use "The Colonel's Sauce." Hmm.

1 comment:

Gina said...

psst... i saw the face of Jesus on the underside of a frying pan at Mulligans 19th hole the other day. 2 other people verified it. the way the pan was scorched it also sort of favored Jim Morrison. At the time I was waiting for food for my dear friend who had just lost her dad. Not into spiritual hype and I don't think it was any different from seeing faces in the clouds but it was absolutely uncanny.

have you ever seen this?