Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fast Acting Tinactin

As usual, Michelle Bachmann gets it right:
"That's really where this battle will be won -- on our knees in prayer and fasting," said Bachmann. "Remember: faith without works is dead. So we're asking you to do all of it: pray, fast, believe, trust the Lord, but also act."

Hey, let's be honest, that's how this country has enacted some of the greatest policies in the world while winning some of the niftiest wars on the block: prayer.

But I am confused, and would ask for more leadership from Bachmann on two things. For one, how can I fast long enough to impress the Lord, and then act? Whenever I go for a long stretch without eating I get faint and woozy and very weak - sometimes I pass out. Ergo, I cannot ACT; I cannot do much of anything. And then I'm so starving I end up binging, shoveling so much food in I end up huffing and puffing on my bed before slowly slipping into a food-coma for 2 days. So I would like some advice with that one.

Also, why knock myself out if Jesus is gonna handle it anyway? I mean, can't I just sit in my lazy-boy knocking back a few cold ones while Jesus takes care of everything? I mean, if I'm gonna be singing his praises afterwards, if he's gonna get all the credit anyway, why bother - heck, Mrs. Bachmann is in Congress, so by her own party's insistence she should probably not only do nothing herself, but should get as far away and out of the way as possible so she doesn't mess things up when Jesus starts "doing his thing." Right?

Anyway, this is a good start but she needs to tell us more. I don't know who's keeping a muzzle on her, but she is a brilliant filly that needs to run - open her up & let us hear her, for chrissakes!!