Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Scare Tactics

Politicians going around scaring constituents that government isn't the answer and can't do anything right (THIS DIPSHIT being the latest in a long line), scoffing at the idea of the government being expected to handle anything correctly would be funny if as a political tactic it wasn't working amazingly well. I mean, can you even imagine this tactic working in any other field?

WIDGETS REP: Xmas, we wanna bring our widget account over to your company.
XMASTIME: What? THIS company?
WIDGETS REP: That's right.
XMASTIME: Bob, camon. We can't deliver our own mail. We're useless.
XMASTIME: I have no idea how to do anything. You shouldn't trust us to hit the ocean from a boat with a widget, much less sell one.
WIDGETS REP: I'm listening.
XMASTIME: My briefcase is filled with saltines.
WIDGETS REP: Do you have a number in mind?
XMASTIME: I can't take less than $10M for this project, Bob. I would take less, but I'm insulted you even asked us to work on this, we're so friggin terrible at doing anything. For instance, I have no idea what a widget is, or in even vaguely finding out.
WIDGETS REP: You haven't visited our website?
XMASTIME: This isn't a computer, Bob. It's a turtle with a cardboard box over it.
WIDGETS REP: Can we give you $15M?
XMASTIME: We can't deliver our own mail, for chrissake!!!!
WIDGETS REP: Great, $15M. Let's meet up again in a few years to re-evaluate.
XMASTIME: Have you seen my pants?
WIDGETS REP: I'm thinking contract extension, with a private plane.
XMASTIME: Boy, are we an awful company. Let's hit the bar.

RAY KROC: A what? A hamburger? Are you kidding me - we're a massive corporation - you think we can handle making you a hamburger? Make one yourself at home, you're much better off!!!

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