Thursday, August 20, 2009


The US & News Report College Rankings for this year are out, and once again Harvard & Princeton have placed above my own college. What the fuck? Every once in a while, okay, I get it, things change year to year; but not ONCE since I graduated With Cum has my Almost Matters finished above these schools, which leads me to believe there is something more going on here. I don't wanna be Mr. Sour Grapes Conspiracy here, but camon...behind, of all schools, Harvard & Princeton? Again? Really? Can they really play this tired game forever, ad museum?

In other words, the president of my fraternity chapter was black. We elected him, we loved him, he was our leader. And something tells me US News & World Report knows that. And here we are, in 2009, being punished for having elected a black man president. Shame on you, USN&WR.




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