Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fucking Finally, Part III

I kinda made fun of it yesterday HERE, but obviously I'm hoping that this has been Obama's plan all along: completely exhaust invitations of bi-partisanship until the GOP can no longer shoot itself in the foot or look stupider, and then push through a bill that is progressive, not watered-down, works great and eventually becomes seen as inevitable/taken for granted. As I said back in July:
There's been a lot of talk about the progressive block theory going around today; I have written many times including HERE that if you have the numbers, you hafta push through as progressive policy as possible SO THAT IT'S ACTUALLY SUCCESSFUL - after that, you'll have people with healthcare that allows them to practice health-conscious, preventative medicine instead of having to wait til they have tumors falling off their head to go to an emergency room looking at members of the GOP and asking "why would you vote against my being healthy?" and holding them accuntable come election time (I know, I know...dreamy stuff. But hopeful.) As opposed to politics as usual, ie shit like this. - Handsome Xmastime

I guess the White House is FINALLY LISTENING TO ME. Let's be honest - if the shit works, the Republicans are gonna find out a way to take credit for it, that's just how politics works. But the most important thing is that the shit works - that in "shoving it through," the Democrats make sure it is so successful and progressive that eventually it comes to be taken for granted as inevitable, like having a large military or social security.

I know there's some naivete in there, believing Obama really is steps ahead of everybody else and brilliant etc etc. But hell, there's worse things in the world to hope for, right?

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