Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Modest Proposal

I think Obama should let himself get shot by one of these loonies at a Town Hall meeting. Hell, the odds of him dying are incredibly slim, and then he'd get to go around the country parading his wounds and stating that his own healthcare is government-run, and he survived a coupla bullets because of such a proficient system.

Debate: OVER!


Gina said...

yeah, and then 'we'd' all be calling him the antichrist.

The Gnat said...

You make Obama sound like gangsta rapper 50 "Fitty" -Cent now. Isn't that somehow racist?

Anonymous said...

Been hit with a few shots but he don't walk with a limp.

Xmastime said...

how old ARE you? did you recently see a picture with silver screen star Ralph macchio?