Wednesday, August 12, 2009

They're Lovin' It

Many times throughout the years I've been wowed by McDonald's making benjamins no matter how shitty the economy, including HERE in January. Then yesterday, I saw THIS ARTICLE letting us know that Mickey D's is selling coffee by the Rush-load and profits are up, despite any recession, and was once again very impressed.

Today Yglesias writes a post HERE about an article re: McDonald's "winning" the recession, making money no matter what happens with the economy. Yglesias correctly surmises that if Americans actually wanted McDonald's to sell them healthy food, McDonald's would, and would have no problem making a shitload of money in the process. He could've saved himself some fingerprints by simply quoting Ray Kroc himself: "We're not in the food industry, we're in the people industry. We just happen to sell hamburgers."

Side note - one hot day I stood in line for 8 hours with a pregnant Mrs. GodIHateYourWife to audition for Deal or No Deal. Finally, I found myself in a small group of people, and we each had 30 seconds to tell the representative what we'd do with the money if we won $1M. Everyone in the group had some fucking sob story - I'd buy my disabled sister a new home with a ramp, I'd start a charity in my sick nephew's name, I'd build a new church blah blah fucking blah. Finally it was my turn and I said I'd buy a McDonald's. The guy was a little taken aback, as he was expecting the same ol' sob story bs and asked me why. "Cause it's a license to print money," I said. "ever see an abandoned building with Golden Arches?"

I didn't get called back :(

Anyway, here's a coupla fucking pigs.

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