Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"We're All Idiots Now"

A coupla months ago I wondered if Joe the Plumber was a Democratic plant; as I wrote HERE I thought his buffoonishness was too good to be true.

And now THIS GUY is wondering the same thing about "They Shot" Kenny Gladney, the jackoff looking to break the record for irony by asking strangers for money to pay for his healthcare after being "hurt" while protesting the government offering him, of all things, healthcare (of course now it looks like Gladney is looking to sue anybody he can for his "trauma," which would put him at the forefront of NOT accepting the GOP rote credo of "personal responsibility" ("Pull yourself up by the bootstraps!!") as well as clogging the courts with an unnecessary lawsuit that drives up costs of "hard-working Americans" everywhere; perhaps Gladney can complete his Stupid GOP Mascot Hat Trick by performing an abortion on tv?)

Anyway, as I said in my Joe the Plumber post, while the idiocy of Gladney and the GOP rushing to embrace him is seemingly too good to be true, I doubt the Democrats are clever enough to pull something like this off - a grift like this would require at least the brainpower of being able to pass policies you like while having the majority of votes to do so. Also, if they wanted to launch Republicans into exploding into over-reaching whiplash-inducing faux-indignant anger, they would've made Gladney white.

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