Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Via Yglesias:
But oftentimes at the core of things you simply have a question of whether or not you agree with a certain approach to policy. And in those cases, there’s no sense in trying to seek a middle ground, what you need to try to seek is a workable version of the overall policy concept.
This is the same shit I was saying re: the stimulus HERE and HERE; either do it, or don't do it, but any half-assing with something this big will only leave a mess in the end. "All or nothing!!" is a bit much too, but it has to be done so that it at least has a chance of being wildly successful; otherwise it's fairly worthless and will languish, all for the sake of hollow compromise that in the end helps exactly nobody.

My hooker line still holds! :)

I suppose an appropriate analogy would be to get a hooker, who tells you you may pay $20 for 15 minutes or $35 for 1/2 hour. Trying to save some dough you go for the 15 minutes, but your 15 minutes comes and goes before you do. So now you've spent $20 and gotten zero satisfaction, whereas you could've spent $35 and made sure you got your nut off. One way you're fucked, and the other one you're fucked and happy.


ope said...

point taken. but you cant ram through health care with dudes saying hell no. which is not to say you can ram in what you want as a result. cuz there aint the votes on our side neither. who knows about reconciliation. yglesias would be the first to say you get what you can get then build on the fucker. besides which no one really knows whats being compromised other than single payer -- there are how many bills now floating around (tho apparently all similar)?

im still convinced history books will tell of mad strategic brilliance in the face of epic intransigence (see devil/daniel webster). and that modest early successes paved the way for mad motherfucking righteousness. well. until it dont.

Xmastime said...

well, its obvious "ramming through" isnt going to work; my question was if "ramming half through" would be of any REAL use. maybe, maybe not. probably. maybe once ANYthing goes through the Republicans turn their ire in another direction, and dont care when more stuff gets piped in quietly on the back end. i know my policy of "make it so incredibly successful that a decade from now it will seem inevitable, with us wondering how we ever lived without it" is a bit of a pipe dream, but what the hell. Did anybody think I could do those 50 squats? And yet I did!!!