Wednesday, September 09, 2009


The White Album kinda gets away with it because nobody calls the album by it's actual name, The Beatles, but I feel like bands should only have one chance to eponymously title one of their albums, and that's with their debut. A la the Ramones, or the Clash. Anything else, eg Metallica or Wilco screams either "we pretentiously feel now that our art is worthy of our name" (or vice versa) or "boy, are we out of ideas."


Kiko Jones said...

It's easier when the debut is the self-titled one, since it will always be referred to as "the first ____ album".

As for albums which the artist feels they are enough of a defining statement to be eponymous, Prince did so with his second one. And he was right; the debut is less of a blueprint than the self-titled one.

Xmastime said...

thats a good point re: Prince. tho is the artist cognizant at the time that the album will be defining, or only in retrospect? interesting.