Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I Am About Solutions

Jack Kingston of GA:
In its day, czarist Russia had just 18 czars in 300 years. In just seven months, President Obama has nearly doubled that number.

Hey, if it's the semblance of any connections to Russia they're worried about, why doesn't Obama just change the title from "czar" to, oh, I dunno..."puppy"?

"Dammit, we're gonna get rid of the Czar of Energy, and-"
"You mean the Puppy of Energy."
"Well, we need him out-"
"Whoa, whoa...WHOA!! You don't like PUPPIES??? What the fuck is wrong with you, are you even human?"

oooooh, better yet, use "Jesus"!!!! "Whoa, whoa...WHOA!! You mean our Jesus of Energy? You don't like JESUS???!!!!!!"

"Freedom" would work too. But let's start with "puppy"!!

Obama, it's still early enough to work this into your speech tonight!!!!!

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