Tuesday, September 08, 2009


The West Wing episode right now is the one where Zoey gets kidnapped. I've seen it several tmes before, but this is the first time I noticed Leo in the Sit Room ("Situation Room" to those of you who have not served to stitch the very fabric of freedom under which you are reading this (you're welcome)) asking "what kind of day has it been?" Which sounded familiar to me. And it turns out it's the title of the episode in season 1 where the President gets shot. VELLLY velly interesting...had never noticed that before.

Plus, I still love Donna. Why the FUCK didn't I make that happen? :(


Kiko Jones said...

She is a tasty 40 year old, indeed. This might be a hotter pic, tho: http://us.imdb.com/Special/Emmy/2003/Photos/2003arrivals1-9.html

Xmastime said...

Donna!! cover up!!!!!!!!!!!!