Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hypocritical Interview (also the Name of Me & Op's Next Banjo-led Puppet Band Project)

Yglesias reiterates the hypocrisy of Congress being "horrified" at the thought of socialized healthcare while enjoying it themselves. Yglesias is a real writer for a real blog, so he can't say what I can: people are stupid. Seriously, why stop there? Why not have some Congressmen as a goof start stomping around what an "evil" being paid to work is, give Glenn Beck a wheelbarrow of Omaha Steaks to spread the word on tv, and see how many teabaggers flood the streets to call Obama the devil for allowing personal income, "like they have in Europe!!!"

The greatest example of how stupid people are is, of course, when an election comes around and they pull the lever for whomever has most convinced them how superfluous the job is and that the group they're looking to join is a bunch of clowns who can't do anything right. I wonder how that would go down at my next job interview?

Interviewer: okay Mr. Xmastime, tell me why you should work here.
Xmastime: well, because I think this company shouldn't be here in the first place and is a complete waste of time and money.
Interviewer: what? really?
Xmastime: yeah, I mean if people want widgets, they should make their own, right?
Interviewer: ahhhhhh...
Xmastime: why would they even trust us to make the widgets in the first place? We can't do anything right!
Interviewer: I wouldn't say that...
Xmastime: hey, hire me, and I will make sure this company does as little as possible. If that.
Interviewer: sounds great. Can you start on Monday?
Xmastime: I don't work Mondays. See you Tuesday - I'm bouncing, motherfucker!! PEACE!!

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