Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Let's End This Already

I mean, can we just get straight to it already and quit wasting everybody's fucking time, and have Sarah Palin pose for fucking Playboy? Seriously, give her some ridiculous amount of money, like $40M, for a nice fat spread of her lolling around naked on a grizzly bear she just blew away with a rifle. This would make everybody happy: Hugh Hefner can be launched into the "Great Centerfold in the Sky" on the heels of his greatest moment since Marilyn Monroe, Palin will have the shitload of money she wants so bad, and the rest of us won't have to be assaulted by her blathering away like a fucking 2nd grader giving speeches and "writing" books. It's a win-win-win. How can we make this fucking happen?

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