Friday, September 04, 2009

I'm Loving Beatles Week!!

After another showing of A Hard Day's Night, VH1 Classic is running the documentary The Making of Sgt Pepper. I've never seen or heard of this, but I can't fucking wait - imagine, a rock show about the actual making of a record. Who'da thunk? Reminds me of why that Replacements book was so disappointing.

You know, I remember in the mid-90's, I remember PBS showed A Hard Day's Night a buncxh, and always followed it with The Making of A Hard Day's Night. Was awesome.

Waaaaaait a second...I hope they mean Sgt. Pepper the ALBUM, not the MOVIE!?!??!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

The Sgt Pepper movie has been on cable lately. (Must be a 30th anniversary thing.) And it's FAR WORSE than I remembered it.