Saturday, September 05, 2009

Overlooked Ramones Cut du Jour

Rocket to Russia is SO good that by the time you get to the end you're either worn out, or so anxious to flip it over and start again that you jump the gun and don't give Why Is It Always This Way? it's proper due. The run from Cretin Hop through I Wanna Be Well is so good, and then I Can't Give You Anything/Ramona are (somewhat) weaker links; you find yourself skipping through to Surfin' Bird just to rock out, and then you don't really have the patience to wait through the album-ending Why Is It Always This Way? to start over again, so you might skip it. But this morning I couldn't get it outta my head. It's never listed as a Ramones "classic," but fucking christ, it could've launched a lot of other bands' careers with it's insane bounciness. Enjoy!

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