Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Speech II

Like I said earlier, I doubt the speech is gonna really make any difference; any ball-tickling Congressmen need has either happened, or will happen over the upcoming weeks. Then eventually a deal will get done, prolly a good deal even though I will bitch and moan, but that's cause I'm just to the left of Harpo Marx. I'm one of those people who demand a public option right away, but I'm also one of those people who doesn't have health insurance, so it's harder for me to put it on the back burner. But as much as I'd like to take advantage of the current climate by making sweeping changes, the fact is that that getting shit like this done is like how Clinton compared being president to moving a huge boulder up a mountain. Inch by inch, slowly grueling and getting rolled back every other day. I guess I said most of this horseshit already HERE (with a lot of patting-Marley-on-0the-back AND a sweeeeeet West Wing clip included.)

One thing I do know? The speech will more than likely be a snoozefest, as I said HERE:
Watching Obama right now reminds me what the best thing about George W. Bush as president was: putting him in front of a live camera. Right? He was like whenever Eric Dickerson got the ball handed to him, there's no WAY you're tearing your eyes from the screen, cause you know at any second he's gonna go all the way - mangle words in ways you didn't think possible, then light off a string of "what the fuck is he saying?" sentences before trying to make a joke that feels like someone cut one in church. Seriously, if Bush had become the first president to drop the n-word on live tv during a presser, can you honestly say you'd be S H O C K E D? He made blithering oblivion fun to watch. And it was FUN. Oh, everything he said was absolute bullshit, but you also know that if you took 60 seconds to walk to the fridge in back there was at least a small chance that you'd find him onscreen doing shadow puppets, having said "aw, fuck it" with a broken bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 over his own head.

Sigh. We miss ya, Dubyanuts.

Okay, any more posts I can use to quote myself with? Yes? No? Hey, here's Mickey Mouse:

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