Wednesday, September 09, 2009


I fail to see what a big speech on healthcare from Obama is supposed to do. It's pretty obvious from every poll I've seen that reform, along with the public option, is wildly popular to the tune of about 77%. And yet there are still plenty of congressman voting against it. Which tells me he needs to be speaking to THEM, not US. You could show polls saying 99% of the people want it, and idiots like Joe Liebermann, instead of trying to come up with some political mumbo-jumbo that might fool me, would still simply lie about "what the public wants." I guess it never hurts to try, but I'm not expecting this speech to change the face of the world.

1 comment:

Gina said...

because 'they' don't care what 'the people' want. government will continue to do whatever 'they' want.