Monday, September 21, 2009

Who's Having Dinnier With Sarah Palin?

Gee. A woman from Alabama. Who works for a private defense contractor. Gee. I'm sure this dinner won't be a mutual cheer-leading session, right? Hmm.
Ms. Cathy Maples, who hails from Huntsville, Alabama, come on down! You're the next diner on Iron Chef: Wasilla. Maples put in the final bid on Palin's eBay auction for dinner with her; proceeds will go to Ride2Recovery, an organization helping wounded soldiers get by on their way back to a normal existence after getting FUBAR'd because they didn't have the proper resources or infrastructure for their missions laid out for them, often because that money went to private, non-government defense contractors. Like the one Cathy Maples works for!

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