Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ah, Life. Funny, Eh?

Hey, remember when I fell in love two years ago and decided this would be the girl I actually did something about for once in my goddam lifetime?
So Sunday I fell in love. Just like that. A girl I've kind of known for a while (peripherally), but she walked into the room in a different light than anything I had ever seen before. Thunderbolt. Beautiful. One look and I felt like I hadn't felt in a long time...I wanna be with this person every second of the day. As long as I'm with her, I'm where I wanna be. The day doesn't count as a day unless I see her; nothing is funny unless she laughs, nothing is sad if she's doesn't cry. If I can't talk to her about it, share it with her, then it doesn't count. Powerful.

Anyways. I did actually talk to her, and plan on talking to her again, which is something new. For the first time in a long time I have someone else to wanna be someone else for; someone to wanna be better for. Yeah yeah yeah "you gotta live for yourself first!" blah blah fucking blah. There are a handful of people in your life that you want to actually become a better person for. And she's one of them. Fuck it all and the drinks are on me, might go in head first this time. You can't put your arms around a might have been.
Yeah, well, surprise, nothing happened. Then she moved a few months later.

But hey, like they say, the best revenge is a life well-lived. Yeah, maybe she's hanging out with Joan Baez (All-Time Mrs. Xmastime - saw her once in Memphis; lookit them teef!!!!!) and all, but I've spent the last hour laughing that I referred to some dude as "HIM? Oh, he's deaf as a fucking bat!!" I mean, how funny is that? A malaprop, motherfuckahs!!! My first (that I've ever caught)!!! So obviously I am doing PRETTY, PRETTY, PRETTY okay myself, little darlin. But hey, good for you! Happy for your success! Obviously I got QUITE  a bit going on myself, so...hell, it's probably better nothing happened, woulda only gotten into my way. I should be THANKING you, baby! Adieu!!


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