Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Birther Announcement

Darth Cheney's gay daughter is having another kid with her wife the friend she shares her life and love with.

Sully is wondering how Cheney reconciles his politics with his own family.
What Cheney's party will say about this latest "assault on the family" I cannot know. I do know that in Virginia, the GOP regards Mary as a threat to civilization and will deny her two kids any legal security with their two moms.
Cheney's own blasé-ness about this very thing throughout the years makes me guess that when you're that rich and powerful you don't really need to be that concerned about "legal rights" in such cases. Seriously, do you think Mary Cheney will be one of the thousands of people barred from their loved one's hospital room every year due to some law? Do you think these people are really worrying about what happens life-insurance-wise, or that their children could possibly be taken away by the state? Of course not. What the fuck do they care?

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