Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Book Pick

Get Carter.
Carter relates the story of a country boy from small-town Rector, Arkansas, a graduate of Arkansas State University and the University of Arkansas, who learned to be comfortable walking the halls of power, surrounded by some of the most powerful and influential people of the mid-to-late twentieth century. He weaves his tale with down-home charm and wit and a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor as well as an insiders intimate glimpse behind the scenes at some of history's great moments. 

Anytime I'm flipping around and land on some channel with some dude with a slow Southern drawl being interviewed on a set that looks like it cost $10, along with video that looks like 1989, I'm hooked. Much like the first time I stumbled upon an hour-long interview of a dude I had never heard of before, Bill Carter, and found myself spell-bound by his voice, his aw-shucksness and his incredible story: dude from the sticks finds himself in college with the GI Bill, then happens to be a part of JFK's Secret Service detail when he's shot, then is in charge of helping the Rolling Stones tour America when they were having troubnle getting into the country, and then just for kicks helps start Fed-Ex. I gotta get this book.

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