Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Amazing Wound Recovery at Work

I have never had the chills like last night. All of a sudden I found myself wrapped up in a jacket under three comforters and shivering enough to shake the fucking bed (and not in the normal way ba-ZING!) Finally after taking some aspirin I fell asleep for about 20 minutes, and woke up completely drenched, swimming in an amount of sweat I had only thought possible on...well, me after walking up a flight of stairs. And then a little while later, the shivering would start again, and the sweat would be completely gone. This cycle kept repeating itself over and over til this morning, when at least the chills are gone. I have general "ague", especially in my back/neck/head, but I do feel better already. At least enough to sit here and entertain you sorry motherfuckers.

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