Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Iraq and Afghanistan

No one's dumber than me, but starting a coupla years ago even I started thinking here on Xmastime  "gee..this sounds a lot like Vietnam, doesn't it?" And recently I've noticed that rarely do a few articles about either war go by without Vietnam being mentioned. Of course, it's taken about 6 years for this to occur regularly. It's incredible that not only do we seem incapable of learning from history, but from history that is SO RECENT. I mean, it's not like some staffer found some small, hardly-recorded event from 1000 years ago ("Guys look, it turns out that when Charlemagne blah blah blah...") Vietnam was a very recent, greatly recorded war. I mean for fuck's sake, we have MOVIES about the goddam thing that were made by Vietnam veterans (Platoon), that starred Vietnam veterans (Full Metal Jacket), featured guys who played characters in 80's sitcoms who loved Nixon (Alex P. Keaton) and, just to remind everybody the ridiculousness of it all, Robin Williams (Good Morning Vietnam), which even supercedes the showing of a full-on retard not only serving but getting a medal (Forrest Gump.) I mean, for fuck's sake. When any war starts reeking of Gump/Word Man from Eddie & the Cruisers/Robin Williams, I think it might be time to start thinking "you know, this MIGHT be a huge mistake."

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