Friday, October 16, 2009

Is Arianna Huffington a Huffing Idiot?

As per an article on The Huffington Post by Arriana Huffington, apparently Joe Biden is the lone firgure in the adminstration questioning sending more troops into Afghanistan:
"Can I just clarify a factual point? How much will we spend this year on Afghanistan?" Someone provided the figure: $65 billion. "And how much will we spend on Pakistan?" Another figure was supplied: $2.25 billion. "Well, by my calculations that's a 30-to-1 ratio in favor of Afghanistan. So I have a question. Al Qaeda is almost all in Pakistan, and Pakistan has nuclear weapons. And yet for every dollar we're spending in Pakistan, we're spending $30 in Afghanistan. Does that make strategic sense?" The White House Situation Room fell silent.
Biden seems to be fighting an uphill battle here. And what is Huffington's brilliant solution?
I have an idea for how he can capitalize on all the attention, and do what generations to come will always be grateful for: resign.
Yes. That's exactly what Biden should do. After all, when you're determined to make a case for something you believe in, the first thing you wanna do is make sure you're not the Vice-President of the United States with the President's ear at your disposal. Yes, absolutely. Hey, it worked perfectly for Colin Powell, right?

Any other part of the Sarah Palin playbook Biden should follow, Mrs. Huffington? Really?

For fuck's sake.

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