Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is Incredulity a Pre-Existing Condition?

Reading THIS article is shocking enough, but then I found myself looking at what was a seemingly nebulous quote stuck in the middle of the whole article:
Pisano, of the insurance trade group, said: "If you put down on a form that you are or were taking anti-HIV drugs at any time, they [the insurance companies] are going to understand that you are or were in treatment for HIV, period," she said. "That could be a factor in determining whether you get coverage."
The fact that most of us can see a quote like that and not really give it a second thought is a pretty strange thing. As in, you'd think her possibly having HIV would be a reason FOR HER GETTING COVERAGE, as opposed to HER NOT GETTING COVERAGE. But we've let ourselves be so easily led to believe that instead of everybody paying into a collective pool which will then be dispursed to those who need it, it's perfectly natural to think of the right thing being everybody paying into a collective pool and then the insurance companies keeping as much of that money as they can get away with for themselves. And this is what people are fighting to keep in place. It's pretty incredible what a whole society of people can become inured to.

Mukluks: Dependable Renegade.

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