Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What the Fuck is Gong On Here?

Last year, it was me liking the Montana governor.

Then, this past August Anthony Bourdain found himself in Butte, Montana.

You can't go thirty seconds without hearing Max Baucus' name these days.

The 18-years-old-in-762-short-days Miley Cyrus plays Hannah Montana, maybe the most famous chick in the world right now.

I find myself watching Independent Lens, which has the story of....Butte, Montana.

What the fuck? Is this the fucking Year of Montana? 11 people in a state as big as Saturn, and it seems to be slowly creeping in to take over our lives like a sexy (thank you, Miley) fog, don't it?

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

And don't forget Pearl Jam bassist--and Montana native--Jeff Ament, whose mugging outside a recording studio in April of this year made a few headlines.