Friday, October 09, 2009


When I was a younger man [sic], I would live and die with each regular season game in complete agnguish, ride up and down all year, but then come the playoffs I'd be like of COURSE we're not gonna lose!!!!!!!

Now that I'm an old man, I realize how long the season really is, and don't get too ruffled one way or another. But I've also learned how fortunate you hafta to be GET to the playoffs, and then, once you're in, it's all a crap shoot in a short series. So now, after six months of, "oh, don't worry about it, it's a long season," I'm having a heart attack. And this is against a team we're like 9800-2 against. I'll be honest - if I get the call from Girardi tonight, the Yankees are fucked cause I'll just be a fucking mess out on that field.

And don't get me started on the ALCS. I know the Angels own us, but I can't go through another fucking series against the Red Sox, it's too fucking much. Not the Sox, but the the fucking hoopla in the media all goddam week. I can't take it. Christ, I'm ready fucking exhausted and we're one game in to the playoffs. I'm a quivering pudding of mess. More than usual, I mean.

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