Monday, October 05, 2009

Please Kill Me

I can't stop watching this fucking stupid Giuliana & Bill show, which is your typical smoking-hot, sometimes-flaky chick coupled with an outrageously sensible, calm, rational guy who kinda pats her on the head when she's "goofy."

Giuliana has never cooked a thing in her life. She decides she wants to cook for her man, but then it turns into a dinner for 4. So, just like any other woman in America, she hires some hot-shot chef to come teach her how to cook something. And then OHOH! the party has exploded to ten people!! Red alert. And of course she pulls it off and nothing actually happens.

Plus, SOMEtimes she's hot, but then sometimes I wonder if she looks like an insect, and I don't mean that in a necessarily bad way (see E's crazy girlfriend on Entourage), she's still sexy, it just makes her more maddening.

Oh well. Overall, they're a fairly normal, slightly dull couple with nothing much to do or say. And of course I'm fucking hooked. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

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