Friday, October 16, 2009

Sigh. Clocking In. What the Fuck Did Young Women Do for Advice Before Me?

Oh Meghan. Meghan, Meghan, Meghan. Being your mentor is exhausting, it's wearing me down to my nubs. Luckily for you, the men in my family have always had great nubs.

If you DON'T want people to call you a slut, DON'T write an "article" titled "Don't Call Me a Slut." You know what a title like this makes people think? "Hmm. This girl sounds like a slut."

As much fun as we all had looking at your big titties, I promise you it never occurred to anybody to call you a slut. Fat, yes, vapid, yes; slut? No. Well, until you wrote an article titled "Don't Call Me a Slut." Hey, remember, I learned the hard way; my article from 6 years ago "Don't Say I Have a Humongous Dick and Love Eating Pussy" has kept me exhausted for over half a decade now. Learn, move on!

Oh, and ps...kudos on having the chutzpah to have the very picture you're "horrified" about at the top of the article. You're really milking it, aren't you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Milking it"

Fuckin' Golden!