Friday, October 02, 2009

Turn On The News

According to former McCain strategist Steve Schmidt the Republican Party is "bereft of ideas" when it comes to healthcare insurance. I'd say that's wrong, in that I find it hard to believe that a group of Republicans couldn't get together in a room and come up with something resembling a good plan.

TBut it's obvious that they have hamstrung themselves by their own supporters in such a way that it's less important for them to come up with a good plan as it is to try to sell why a plan COULDN'T work because of the debt, the deficit, the spending, the cost, terrorism, and the president is black and wants to take away your guns, etc etc. No Republican can say "hey, this is a good plan, let's pass it and move on to the next issue," because they've allowed themselves to be caught in a dutch oven of fanaticism, lies and cynicism. These things and it's offshoots (the people "in the streets")  are what lead these "Republican leaders," not the other way around.

Of course, it doesn't seem to matter as long as the Democrats are the weakest party since that one where a kid drowned at Tommy Lee's house (rimshot!...too soon?)

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